The stats helper monkeys at mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health: The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Fresher than ever. Crunchy numbers A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 7,300 times in 2010. That’s about 18 full […]
A Facebook Life
Have you seen this awesome Video:
Apple iPod Nano 6G bright sunlight test
Man, I totally forgot about the Video of my iPod Nano sixth generation in the bight sunlight. The display stays comfortably readable all the time. Check it out:
Hihihi, hahaha, hihihi, hahaha
Oh man, you can´t be that stupid, or can you???
Hurray my German O2 Tethering works again
As many of you maybe know on 10/27 T-Mobile lost its´exclusive Deal with Apple. Since then 2 other Carriers are offering the iPhone 4, Vodafone and O2. I am using O2 now for 2.5 years and I am really happy with it. Good 3G coverage nearly everywhere I am, reasonable prices and a very friendly […]
Apple vs Blackberry vs Android
Also a nice comic about our 3 beloved factions.
That is so cool. I want it. I know, that he always wears the same glasses made from a small swiss company, but the rest….were can I buy the rest…???
Yes, I saw a MacBook Air
Last Saturday I went to a few Apple Reseller to get a good look at the new MacBook Airs. And yes, I´ve found them. Both models were standing right next to each other. Unfortunately I´ve just one picture of the smaller model…don´t now why. Anyway, both MBAs look and feel fantastic. So light and slim. […]
Sesame Street: Song: There’s An App For That
I don´t believe it, App Comercial at the Sesame Street…
Flattr revenue
I totally forgot about Flattr. Here is the revenue of September. 0.46 Euro is not bad for the first time and a blog that is totally about nonsense.